Thoughts on Bowen Therapy, Good Food and Stress Free Living

Forget the Elderly

One of my clients has had a major life tragedy. He is a lovely man who used to be a boxer and now loves his garden but has slid into his elderly years with many health issues. The latest one being Osteomyelitis which is a serious bone condition in his leg. He always...

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How I was Forced to Listen to my Body

How I was Forced to Listen to my Body

How I was Forced to Listen to my Body 3 APRIL, 2013   diet change lifestyle change listen to your body Several months ago I started several changes in my life. Changes that I consider to be instrumental for the health of my mind and body. I remember waking up one...

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Bowen Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Bowen Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Bowen Therapy for Lower Back Pain 26 MARCH, 2013 Lower back pain Bowen Therapy How does it work As a Bowen Therapist I encounter people with Lower Back Pain often and it's a complaint I can confidently say has great success with Bowen Therapy.  So often I see people...

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A great summary of what Bowen Therapy does…

A great summary of what Bowen Therapy does…

A great summary of what Bowen Therapy does… ‎"Bowen Therapy is simple, straightforward, and deliberate. It works with the body and what it presently needs, causing the body to stimulate healing from the inside out, in the reverse order that issues or conditions came....

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The Beautiful Vibration of Being Bowen

The Beautiful Vibration of Being Bowen

I could clarify it a little by explaining that we are all totally vibrational beings (at the risk of losing his interest straight away) and the vibration is a very fine one. Using the analogy of hearing – when we hear some music that is awesome and makes us feel wonderful, we get a surge of energy through our body, I am sure you all have experienced this at some stage.

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What is Bowen Therapy

What is Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is used for almost all pain or discomfort issues. In the time I have used it I have found it is very effective in bringing the body and mind to a comfortable place.

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