Bowen Therapy for Shoulder Pain
APRIL, 2017
Bowen Therapy for Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Injury
Fix Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain and restriction is a common issue for many people and luckily can usually be eased very quickly with Bowen Therapy

It doesn’t matter what age you are or what has caused the shoulder problem – great results are usually felt quickly.

I’ve treated youngsters who have just put their shoulder out while bowling in a school cricket game, body surfers who have hit the sand – shoulder first, footballers and builders with chronic shoulder pain which is simply caused by their career choices – Bowen Therapy works.

Shoulder pain can be caused by repetitive use e.g. carpenter, builder, car mechanic, hairdresser – any movement that uses the same muscles over and over again causes a problem by tightening up those muscles and allowing the rest of the muscles to just rest – unused and under-utilised.

This is called RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury

bowen therapy for shoulder pain
Although gym-work can be amazing – the repetitive use of the same muscles doing the same moves can cause shoulder pain and restriction. It’s important to ‘shake it up’ a little using a more rounded approach as well.

and of course – Bowen Therapy for Shoulder pain and restriction is a great adjunct to help you through.

It’s also important to loosen up and straighten the lower body as well.

Since the hips and pelvis are where our balance and weight sits – getting that sorted is as important as treating the shoulder.

Below you’ll find a video of me doing the basic Bowen Shoulder Moves


“Shoulder pain can come from the jaw, the neck and/or the shoulder itself and can affect the elbow and wrist as well”
With Bowen Therapy the improvements have been often instantaneous with very limited movement increasing to full range of movement within the first session.

There have also been a few times with old injuries when the scar tissue has been too much to loosen but the pain has disappeared – so the shoulder movement is still limited (but improved) with the benefit of being pain free.

By releasing the ligaments, muscles and ligaments in the shoulder as shown in the above video the shoulder becomes far more agile.


bowen therapy for shoulder pain
Shoulder pain can be from an old injury or a new one – a broken bone or a pulled muscle, a jaw issue from tension or a cervical spine issue.

It’s important to balance the whole body to isolate the problem and release it.

Shoulder pain can be felt in a few different ways

  • tingling sensation running down to the fingers
  • a deep burning
  • pins and needles anywhere in the arm or shoulder
  • pain in the upper outside arm is quite common as well
  • pain in the top of the shoulder
  • pain in the neck and jaw
  • in between the shoulder blades
  • and sometimes radiating down to the lower back

This is the reason I will also check the jaw, arms, elbow and ask what sort of work and exercise you do.

Even Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can sometimes come from the neck and jaw….

There are no hard and fast rules here – we just want it fixed


Still need help?

For any other questions, please contact me via phone call or text at 0418552813


Brigid Fitzgerald

Brigid Fitzgerald

Owner Operator of Macksville Bowen Therapy

Brigid Fitzgerald is a qualified Bowen Therapist and Health Coach

Specialising in Chronic Pain and Illness

with about 30yrs of experience including being a Registered Nurse