Bowen Therapy Videos


Basic Relaxation Moves for the Lower Body (BRM 1)

Basic Relaxation Moves for the body above the waist (BRM 2)

Basic Relaxation Moves for the Neck and Head (BRM 3)

Respiratory Move – Asthma, digestion problems. Its very easy to do this on yourself.

Kidney Move – for lower back pain and when sitting too long. Also very easy to do on yourself

Upper Respiratory. For any congestion in the head, sore throat, headache, tight neck

Chest Move (Breast Move) – a must for all women to know this move and use on themselves regularly.

(except if you have breast implants)

Use for breast tenderness, pain, ropiness and any breast problems

Pelvic Move to Lower back pain, hips unbalanced, leg pain, knee pain, PMT, pre-period pain.

Sternum – Breathing and heart problems. Opens the chest up and improves posture.

Shoulder Move – self explanatory really.

Any shoulder and neck problems. Also easy to self treat with some creative using of furniture or people.